I'm in an extraordinarily bad mood today. I was doing an excellent job of fighting off all of the sickness that I've been exposed to and now I'm sitting here on my couch with an earache,a sore throat and a very runny nose. I would complain about the body aches, too, but I can't tell if they are illness related or lupus related. I really tried so hard to avoid getting sick and I'm angry now because I feel like it was for nothing. The end result is the same. All I did was postpone it.
I think that the possible sickness is just the tip of the anger iceberg. I can't stand having lupus. It's not the pain that gets me the most. It's not even because it's incurable. I can deal with those things. What I'm struggling with is the parts of my life that have been changed. I don't know how to grieve for all that I've lost because of lupus, so instead I just try to not think about that aspect of my illness that much.
Unfortunately, that's the problem. I think that because I'm trying not to let my feelings show, it's easier for anyone who interacts with me to just pretend that I'm not sick. I'm not sure how many people do it because they don't take lupus seriously, or how many people do it because it's just not something that they feel affects them. I know that there are people who avoid talking about it because it's an uncomfortable subject and I know that there are people who are sad about my diagnosis. I can look past what other people think as long as it doesn't affect me. Today, however, I am very much affected by pretty much anything.
I get that life doesn't stop happening just because I have lupus and I don't expect it to. I'm just having a hard time dealing with the assumption that if I have a good day, then that means that I shouldn't be having too many more bad days. I resent that! If I have a good day, it's never because I was pain-free. I haven't had a day since my flare started where I wasn't in pain. Just because I don't complain all of the time doesn't mean that the pain is gone. I know that people grow tired of listening to me complain and I've grown tired of complaining about how much pain I'm in.
I still work full time and when I can, I like to volunteer for the Red Cross. I know that it may seem like if it's too hard, I shouldn't do any of it. It's simple, really. I am mor than capable of doing things like work and housework, but it doesn't mean that I'm not in a butt-load of pain. I've just learned to adapt to my disease. I'm not extraordinary in the least, I just have the ability to function and be sick at the same time.
I realize that this turned into more of a rant than I wanted it to be, but I needed to get it all out of my system.
Lupus sucks!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Making the choice.
It's becoming very clear to me that I need to redefine my definition of what constitutes a "Good Day". I can't wait around for the pain to be gone before I can allow myself to be happy. Lupus has given me levels of pain that I have never experienced before. Lupus is relentless and brutal. I believe that once I get past this flare, I'll have a better understanding of it but I won't delude myself into thinking that it won't be so bad the next time. The reality is that it is very likely that any future flares will be pretty bad. This one has definitely owned me so far. That's why I need to change my expectations so that I can put my focus on all of the parts of my life that ARE good instead of letting the physical pain consume me. It will take me apart if I give it my permission to have that kind of control.
The kind of pain that I'm in doesn't become less intense with the passage of time. It doesn't operate according to any particular set of guidelines. Lupus is a very personal experience for every person suffering from it because of all of the complications that tend to come up. For that reason, lupus is incredibly difficult to diagnose. In fact, there are people with lupus who spend years seeing doctors from so many different specialties only to be given a vague diagnosis. Worse yet, there are those who are told that the pain that they are living with is all in his/her head and most likely related to depression. I am lucky in this respect. My blood test results supported a lupus diagnosis and the positive ANA results couldn't be argued. Even so, from a pain perspective, it makes no difference because my treatment options would still be slim. A person who lives with an incurable chronic illness does so knowing that the pain could subside but it can resurface and be as excruciating as it was before. There is no comfort in hoping for the pain to just go away or in hoping that you can get used to how much you are hurting. I can't live that way.
So here is my plan. I plan on trying to find happy moments in my days. I can't have pain be the ruler by which my happiness is measured. I know that I'll still have days that are just lousy, but my odds of having good days will be increased. It's definitely worth a shot if
The kind of pain that I'm in doesn't become less intense with the passage of time. It doesn't operate according to any particular set of guidelines. Lupus is a very personal experience for every person suffering from it because of all of the complications that tend to come up. For that reason, lupus is incredibly difficult to diagnose. In fact, there are people with lupus who spend years seeing doctors from so many different specialties only to be given a vague diagnosis. Worse yet, there are those who are told that the pain that they are living with is all in his/her head and most likely related to depression. I am lucky in this respect. My blood test results supported a lupus diagnosis and the positive ANA results couldn't be argued. Even so, from a pain perspective, it makes no difference because my treatment options would still be slim. A person who lives with an incurable chronic illness does so knowing that the pain could subside but it can resurface and be as excruciating as it was before. There is no comfort in hoping for the pain to just go away or in hoping that you can get used to how much you are hurting. I can't live that way.
So here is my plan. I plan on trying to find happy moments in my days. I can't have pain be the ruler by which my happiness is measured. I know that I'll still have days that are just lousy, but my odds of having good days will be increased. It's definitely worth a shot if
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
GO AWAY! Seriously, rain...
As much as I enjoy a good rain, my body doesn't respond well to it. Today has been on the rougher side because of the havoc that the rain is causing to my joints.
Rain will keep falling. The only difference is that I won't enjoy it the way that I used to. Rain used to be a comfort to me. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get that feeling back again some day.
As much as I enjoy a good rain, my body doesn't respond well to it. Today has been on the rougher side because of the havoc that the rain is causing to my joints.
Rain will keep falling. The only difference is that I won't enjoy it the way that I used to. Rain used to be a comfort to me. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get that feeling back again some day.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What goes up...
Must come down.
Yesterday was a fantastic day and I did all that I could to bask in the warm, fuzzy feelings that came with my good day. Yesterday made me feel like I could handle anything that lupus could throw at me. I had hope.
Today is completely reversed and while I still have hope, it's dangling by a thread. It's gorgeous outside, but all I can do is observe it through my living room window. My body hurts all over. A person might think that with pain this intense, that it would be easier to locate it's origin, but that's not the case. The only thing that I am certain about is that I can't get away from it. I can't escape it and I can't ignore it. Small tasks turn into monumental tasks, and large tasks are impossible. Frustration, anger, sadness and a sense of loss are my companions for today.
I'm thankful that hope is my constant companion. Hope is what what carries me from one day to the next. Hope allows me to pick up the pieces when I feel so fractured. Hope is sometimes all that I have. I'm thankful that hope is enough.
Yesterday was a fantastic day and I did all that I could to bask in the warm, fuzzy feelings that came with my good day. Yesterday made me feel like I could handle anything that lupus could throw at me. I had hope.
Today is completely reversed and while I still have hope, it's dangling by a thread. It's gorgeous outside, but all I can do is observe it through my living room window. My body hurts all over. A person might think that with pain this intense, that it would be easier to locate it's origin, but that's not the case. The only thing that I am certain about is that I can't get away from it. I can't escape it and I can't ignore it. Small tasks turn into monumental tasks, and large tasks are impossible. Frustration, anger, sadness and a sense of loss are my companions for today.
I'm thankful that hope is my constant companion. Hope is what what carries me from one day to the next. Hope allows me to pick up the pieces when I feel so fractured. Hope is sometimes all that I have. I'm thankful that hope is enough.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Eyes to see
It was a gorgeous day and I was so happy to be able to enjoy it! It wasn't too long ago when I wouldn't have taken notice of any of the little details. Today was the day that I finally had the eyes to see. While nothing has changed, everything feels new to me.
I hope that each day will feel this way. I'm pretty sure that in order for that to happen, I will have to keep my eyes open. Otherwise, I may find that each day will feel like the day before and each day will bleed into the next one. It's a cycle that I don't want to be trapped in. Sadly, it requires less effort to go through the motions because it's a pattern that I've beam accustomed to. It'll take more effort. There will be times when seeing the beauty in each moment will be out of my reach. I'll just have to keep looking.
I hope that each day will feel this way. I'm pretty sure that in order for that to happen, I will have to keep my eyes open. Otherwise, I may find that each day will feel like the day before and each day will bleed into the next one. It's a cycle that I don't want to be trapped in. Sadly, it requires less effort to go through the motions because it's a pattern that I've beam accustomed to. It'll take more effort. There will be times when seeing the beauty in each moment will be out of my reach. I'll just have to keep looking.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Pac Panic
It's been an interesting day. I think that this is the kind of day that happens when there is a lesson to learn. It would seem that when all kinds of situations just fall into your lap without warning, then that means that there is something to learn whether you want to or not. I think that there are coincidences and then there are odd occurences that just seem to strike at a time when you are trying your very hardest to ignore that the lesson does need to be acknowledged at the very least. The goal is to learn the lesson and move on, but sometimes if we persistent and dedicated to procrastinating, we can get a little more time to find another way to not deal with the opportunity to learn. Yeah, it would definitely be easier to just move forward, but I have gotten pretty decent at finding little nooks and crannies to hide in so that I can dodge my lessons and hopefully get some time to do one of two things: Regroup and tackle it head on or find a better place to hide and hope that I don't stink at Hide & Seek. Sometimes I'm just completely at a loss for a resolution to a problem or the ability to know what the right thing to say would be. I usually find a way to figure it all out, but not before I make sure that I have enough time to become a total recluse for a bit. It's usually then that I can figure out what's next.
I don't do well under pressure. In fact, I have made some incredibly dumb decisions because I find myself under pressure and then I react because at that moment in time, making a choice no matter what it is, will be a relief. It's like playing Pac-Man and all of a sudden realizing that Pac-Man has dots all over the place and there are ghosts on his tail. It seems dire and then a panic sets in and then before you know it, you stop doing anything at all and then you are ghost food! If Pac-Man were real life and I were Pac-Man, then that could create some major problems. I'd like to learn to adapt to pressure and not letting pressure drive my actions.
I'm pretty grateful for answering machines and caller ID because those buy time for me. I know that at some point, I will have to wear my "big girl pants" and handle unsavory situations like a responsible adult. I know that I can, but I also worry depending on the circumstances. Ideally, everyone talks it out, like adults are supposed to do, but how often does a situation actually work out that way. It's been my experience that some confrontations end up being the kind that belong on Jerry Springer, and I don't even need to be involved! I sometimes wonder how the Hell it happened considering that I didn't talk to anyone about anything. It doesn't even need to have anything to do with me at all! I take the "No Drama" stance and I like it for me.
Maybe the lesson is that I don't have all the answers and even if I did have advice, is it feasible that the advice that I can offer would be listened to. Sometimes I'm not the right person to ask and often times, I've been on the recieving end of a tirade that doesn't involve me and I don't know all of the people involved. How could I possibly be helpful with something like that? I am also pretty sure that relationships are give and take and considering that the people in my life that are putting me in an awkward position do not know me at all. I know that I wouldn't feel comfortable with asking for and taking advice from a person that I really knew anything about. I mean, really. What if I was completely insane but just hid it well?
I'll be braver soon. I know I will, but for the time being, I think that hiding out is the best solution. Anytime that I try to tackle an issue without hiding first, I am driven by emotions only and how I handle it is only serving me. I'll just feel bad afterward and since I don't like that feeling, I wait. I also bounce a lot of situations off of Steve. He's great for helping me to be logical when it's needed and to be aggressive if that's called for.
I think that I also need that space to consider long term ramifications and weighing out the benefits versus the detriments. My only hard and fast rule is that it's never a good idea to engage crazy! Everything has a way of working out in one way or another. Sometimes it's that time frame that can clear up my mind so that I can make a decision based on what is really the way that I want to handle things instead of lettng Pac Panic set in.
I used to consider myself a coward, but now I can see that I need the time to step outside of myself and see the situations for what they truly are. That's the way that it will have to be for me. At least for now/
I don't do well under pressure. In fact, I have made some incredibly dumb decisions because I find myself under pressure and then I react because at that moment in time, making a choice no matter what it is, will be a relief. It's like playing Pac-Man and all of a sudden realizing that Pac-Man has dots all over the place and there are ghosts on his tail. It seems dire and then a panic sets in and then before you know it, you stop doing anything at all and then you are ghost food! If Pac-Man were real life and I were Pac-Man, then that could create some major problems. I'd like to learn to adapt to pressure and not letting pressure drive my actions.
I'm pretty grateful for answering machines and caller ID because those buy time for me. I know that at some point, I will have to wear my "big girl pants" and handle unsavory situations like a responsible adult. I know that I can, but I also worry depending on the circumstances. Ideally, everyone talks it out, like adults are supposed to do, but how often does a situation actually work out that way. It's been my experience that some confrontations end up being the kind that belong on Jerry Springer, and I don't even need to be involved! I sometimes wonder how the Hell it happened considering that I didn't talk to anyone about anything. It doesn't even need to have anything to do with me at all! I take the "No Drama" stance and I like it for me.
Maybe the lesson is that I don't have all the answers and even if I did have advice, is it feasible that the advice that I can offer would be listened to. Sometimes I'm not the right person to ask and often times, I've been on the recieving end of a tirade that doesn't involve me and I don't know all of the people involved. How could I possibly be helpful with something like that? I am also pretty sure that relationships are give and take and considering that the people in my life that are putting me in an awkward position do not know me at all. I know that I wouldn't feel comfortable with asking for and taking advice from a person that I really knew anything about. I mean, really. What if I was completely insane but just hid it well?
I'll be braver soon. I know I will, but for the time being, I think that hiding out is the best solution. Anytime that I try to tackle an issue without hiding first, I am driven by emotions only and how I handle it is only serving me. I'll just feel bad afterward and since I don't like that feeling, I wait. I also bounce a lot of situations off of Steve. He's great for helping me to be logical when it's needed and to be aggressive if that's called for.
I think that I also need that space to consider long term ramifications and weighing out the benefits versus the detriments. My only hard and fast rule is that it's never a good idea to engage crazy! Everything has a way of working out in one way or another. Sometimes it's that time frame that can clear up my mind so that I can make a decision based on what is really the way that I want to handle things instead of lettng Pac Panic set in.
I used to consider myself a coward, but now I can see that I need the time to step outside of myself and see the situations for what they truly are. That's the way that it will have to be for me. At least for now/
Monday, March 14, 2011
My Steve, My Muse, My Hero
How can I have words to relate how much my husband, Steve, has meant for me? I don't know that those words exist for me. Steve displayed strength for me when I just couldn't have it for myself. He let me be sad about my diagnosis and has never made me feel like I couldn't grieve for what I have had to lose because of the lupus. I have felt as though I had nothing left to offer to this man, and I couldn't promise that I would ever be exactly as I was. Steve hasn't run away from me and he has allowed me to be scared without worrying about his feelings. He has laid down the law and told me to stop doing anything so that I could rest, which is important for me. I'm glad that there have also been times when I could be strong for him and that makes me feel happy and the helpless feelings that could drown me, disappear because I know that I can help him too. I feel like it's been a team effort and if not for that team effort, I think that my fear might be too much for me, He's saved me and I will never be able to return that favor. I love him unconditionally and I think that I get that same love back. He's beautiful and brilliant and he is kind and selfless. I couldn't ask for a better partner, He's a person full of integrity and love for the people in his lives. This world is a better place for him being in it. I'me in awe of him. I always will be!
The mind is pretty amazing tool!
OK, so I decided yesterday to try my hand at bendng a spoon using the power of my mind. Having lupus really has the ability to limit what you can do with your hands and more importantly, what you cannot do with your hands. Many times my hands refuse to cooperate with me and it frustrates me in ways that I never imagined that it could.
I watched a couple YouTube videos on how to bend spoons and I decided to put them to work. My first couple attempts were epic failures but on my third attempt, I was able to bend the spoon in a really unique way! It was unreal! After that, Steve and I decided to see how I would fare with a butter knife. I figured, "Hey, why not?" and on the first attempt, not only did I bend the knife, but I broke it in half! (Don't worry, pictures are coming!)
This feels like a major accomplishment for me! Lupus has made me feel like I can't do anything and even though bending spoons may not seem like a victory, in my mind it was a huge victory! I feel empowered for the first time in a very long time!
I watched a couple YouTube videos on how to bend spoons and I decided to put them to work. My first couple attempts were epic failures but on my third attempt, I was able to bend the spoon in a really unique way! It was unreal! After that, Steve and I decided to see how I would fare with a butter knife. I figured, "Hey, why not?" and on the first attempt, not only did I bend the knife, but I broke it in half! (Don't worry, pictures are coming!)
This feels like a major accomplishment for me! Lupus has made me feel like I can't do anything and even though bending spoons may not seem like a victory, in my mind it was a huge victory! I feel empowered for the first time in a very long time!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Think small
Last night I read some pretty amazing information that is related to alternative methods of healing. I've researched my disease and read about clinical trials for drugs for treatment. I've made it a point to learn as much as I can about lupus and the other illnesses that can be present in a lupus patient as well. I can tell you what treatments people usually receive, and I can tell you how the treatment changes in a person who is in an active flare and when the lupus is inactive. I am learning about what triggers flares, mine in particular and how to best avoid them. I can tell you about symptoms, ranging from malar rashes to neurological symptoms and so many more in between. What I can't tell you, however, is why lupus happens. There are lots of possible reasons, but nothing that is a solid reason. It's a bunch of "could be caused by" and "possibly hereditary" and the like.
Last night I started reading about DNA and RNA and I found myself wishing that I had paid closer attention during Biology class when I was younger. I have to admit that I found it boring and at the time, I just wanted to learn about the more exciting parts of biology. That was my mistake because after reading about DNA and RNA last night, I realized that DNA and RNA really are life! It's all too easy to take them for granted when you don't pay close enough attention to what they do for us. They are hard workers and unless something goes wrong with our health, they remain behind the scenes, still doing their jobs and still not being noticed. It's a good thing that DNA & RNA don't have egos! They know how to be team players!
When I first found out that I was sick, I think that I blamed pretty much everyone and everything. I had seriously misdirected anger and my genetics weren't immune to that anger. I'm tired of feeling angry and I'd much rather find a way to feel empowered, so I'm choosing to "think small".
Last night I started reading about DNA and RNA and I found myself wishing that I had paid closer attention during Biology class when I was younger. I have to admit that I found it boring and at the time, I just wanted to learn about the more exciting parts of biology. That was my mistake because after reading about DNA and RNA last night, I realized that DNA and RNA really are life! It's all too easy to take them for granted when you don't pay close enough attention to what they do for us. They are hard workers and unless something goes wrong with our health, they remain behind the scenes, still doing their jobs and still not being noticed. It's a good thing that DNA & RNA don't have egos! They know how to be team players!
When I first found out that I was sick, I think that I blamed pretty much everyone and everything. I had seriously misdirected anger and my genetics weren't immune to that anger. I'm tired of feeling angry and I'd much rather find a way to feel empowered, so I'm choosing to "think small".
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What drives me...
I have always known that I wanted to write. I enjoy it thoroughly but the issue has always been that I never know quite what I want to write about. I have this nasty habit of starting to write and then losing my passion for what I was writing about. I have an unreal amount of writing projects that I've started and never finished. The good news for me is that I finally know what to write about. The bad news is that this is no love story or fairytale. It's an autobiographical non-fiction.
Everything changes when you learn that you have lupus. That pretty much sums it up. I was diagnosed with SLE in October of 2010 and I'm still learning how to adjust to the changes. I got sick in the beginning of August and I didn't really think much of it. I just went about my business and when I was still sick two weeks later, I went to my doctor. Since that time, I've felt more like those little tomato shaped cushions that seamstresses use to stick their pins in than an actual human being. To make matters worse for me, SLE brought along a bunch of buddies for the ride. I have a severe B12 deficiency, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia,neutropenia, Sjogren's, Von Willebrand's disease, Raynaud's disease, peripheral neuropathy and a lot of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The hardest part for me was learning that I also have lupus nephritis. I've had a history of kidney infections since I was a child so that adds an extra jolt of terror to my heart. It seems as if every time that I see one of my doctors, I find out about another ailment that I have. SLE is affecting so many of parts of me and now I know that I have to learn to adapt. I will need to learn how to maintain balance. I have to learn to bend and not break. I know that it'll be a lesson in acceptance, and I know that it'll be hard.
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in my diagnosis. It saturates me. Lupus is a factor in every decision that I make. I can't even go outdoors without making sure that the temperature and wind chill aren't going to make my joints hurt more than they already do. I'm anxious about being in stores where everyone touches everything and the notion of all of those germs being on everything makes me cringe. How can I not worry? I've seen children lick shopping carts! The harder that I fight against the changes that lupus requires me to make, the more that I feel defined by lupus. I'm hoping that by learning to bend without breaking, I will be able to take my life back, even though it won't be exactly as it was before.
The value of patience
I am waiting. It seems like I'm always waiting. Waiting for the weather to warm up. Waiting to call my dad so that I can avoid speaking to anyone but my dad. Waiting for my doctor to call me with lab results. I have used the phrase "Patience is a Virtue" so many times with so many children but now when I need to apply it to myself, I find myself completely incapable of being patient.
I have to imagine that the value of patience comes from the feelings of dread and stress that one can save themselves from if only one can actually be patient.
I guess in the meantime, I'll work on that patience bit some more.
I have to imagine that the value of patience comes from the feelings of dread and stress that one can save themselves from if only one can actually be patient.
I guess in the meantime, I'll work on that patience bit some more.
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